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He is so fucking silly i need to have him in my possesion so i can bring him with me anywhere. I would assure he had the best care in the world, never getting dirty or lost. He such an evil creature he is banned from most public spaces. Everyday i think about his silliness and it makes me want to start crying each time. Id bring him to my therapist sessions and show him to my therapist like ":3 this is teruuu say hi to himmm :3". He looks so joyous. Hes full of wimsy and childlike wonder. He is so happy. ← he looks less joyful and happy. What happened to the color in his eyes. Non blue eyed teruki si a bad teruki. Has he lost the meaning of life. Its okay teruki, me too, me too. Im here if you need anything. That one is still really silly though bc he is still teru and i love all terus ever. GREAT EASTERN ENTERTAINMENT PLEASE SELL THIS PLUSHIE TO MY COUNTLY IM GOING TO DIE PLEASE